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ice baths playa del carmen

When it comes to the cold and our breath, there is no substitute for direct practical experience. Nevertheless...

What does the science say?

Reduced Muscle Soreness(Sport Month)

Study found cold immersion following high-intensity workouts was more effective than massage in reducing muscle soreness.

Decreased Inflammation & fewer Flu-like symptoms -

(National Academy of Sciences, USA)

Participants practicing cold immersion and breathing techniques experienced a reduction in inflammation, fewer flu-like symptoms, and a faster normalization of fever and cortisol levels.

Improved Metabolism & Weight Loss - (Nat. Institute of Health)

Participants who exposed themselves to cooler climates for prolonged periods of time found increased levels of brown fat, yielding greater metabolic efficiency.

Decreased Belly Fat - (BMJ Military Health)

In a study of 49 soldiers, men saw a decrease in abdominal fat by 5.5% after systematic cold exposure for 8 weeks.

ice baths playa del carmen

ICE On the Body

ice baths playa del carmen

Ice on the MIND

Reduced Stress - (The Journal of Physiology)

Participants practicing cold exposure became less likely to breathe quick and rapid (sympathetically) to physical stress and began breathing slow and deep (parasympathetically).

Decreased Symptoms of Depression - (Nat. Library of Medicine)

Research found cold immersion yielded relief to depressive symptoms, with no side effects or dependance issues.

Anxiety Management - (BMJ Military Health)

Systematic cold exposure significantly lowered anxiety in a group of 49 male and female participants.

Improved Male Fertility - (International Journal of Andrology)

In a study of infertile men, 100% experienced a doubling of their sperm count after 8 and 12 weeks of testicular cooling.

Increased Testosterone - (Journal of Strength & Conditioning)

Athletes saw an increase in testosterone after a single session of

cold exposure.

ice baths playa del carmen

ICE On SEXUAL health

ice baths playa del carmen


Reduced Heart Rate - (Journal of Medicine)

Subjects who underwent cold water immersion saw decreases in their heart rate, making for more ideal sleeping conditions.

Deeper Sleep - (Front Sports Act Living)

Endurance runners who underwent cold immersion after simulated running exercises experienced less night-time arousals during rest.

Breathing vs Sleep Aids (Frontiers in Psychology)

"Breathing and relaxation techniques are a more powerful tool than sleeping pills."

Increased Melatonin

(Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine)

Participants who practiced regular yoga and breathing practices experienced higher levels of melatonin, an increased marker for better sleep.

Paced Breathing for Improved Sleep Quality(Journal of Medicine)

Half study used social media, while the other half practiced breathing for 15 minutes each evening. The breathing group had better sleep and experienced a variety of additional health benefits.

ice baths playa del carmen

Breathing on


breathwork in playa del carmen


on the mind

Breathing to Treat Panic Disorder (Journal of Psychiatric Research)

Patients with diagnosed panic disorder were treated with breathing therapy and saw significant improvements in their panic and anxiety.

Belly Breathing to Reduce Anxiety (Perspectives in Psychiatric Care)

Participants practiced breathing exercises for 2 months and reported less anxiety, reduced heart rates, and healthier respiration rates.

Alleviate Severe Depression (Journal of Clinical Psychology)

A pilot study found promise in treating patients suffering from depression with breathing exercises when they did not respond to antidepressants.

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