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Breathing for Energy: Exercises That'll Give You a Boost

Writer's picture: kevinconnelly82kevinconnelly82

Around 15% of adult Americans say they feel very tired or exhausted on most days. The rigorous demands of modern life can quickly take a toll on our bodies, and it's easy to feel trapped with fatigue.

Of course, there are steps we can take to regain energy, such as sleeping more and eating better. However, these are long-term actions that take time to see results.

Some may turn to caffeine for quick boosts, but the crashes can be terrible. So instead, you should try breathing for energy.

Below, we'll explain why you should do breathwork. We'll also give you some energizing breathwork exercises you should incorporate into your daily life.

Why Do These Energizing Breathing Techniques Work?

To understand why energy breathing works, you need to first understand what causes fatigue. There's a wide variety of things that can make you tired, but it all boils down to two main things: a lack of oxygen and hormonal imbalance.

What's great about breathwork is that it can tackle both things. When you do conscious breathing, this will result in deeper breaths that oxygenate your body more efficiently.

Breathing for Energy
Breathwork techniques can help you feel invigorated and less fatigued

Also, these exercises activate the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). This slows your heart rate and disengages your sympathetic nervous system (SNS), which triggers your "fight or flight" response. When you enter a more relaxed state, it'll improve your mood, which can energize you too.

Do note that if you're having significant issues with fatigue, don't hesitate to see your doctor. They can help you figure out if there are more serious underlying issues. From there, they can customize treatment plans to get you healthier.

Breathing Exercise For Instant Energy

Here are a few techniques for energizing breathwork that everyone should try.

Belly Breathing

Belly breathing (or diaphragmatic breathing) is a foundational breathing technique that's great for a number of things, including boosting energy levels. It focuses on engaging your diaphragm to improve oxygen flow.

To perform belly breathing, sit or lie down comfortably. Put one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. The key thing to remember for belly breathing is that your abdomen should move while your chest stays still (or as still as possible).

To start, inhale slowly and deeply through your nose. Then exhale slowly through your mouth.

You should repeat this exercise for 5-10 minutes to feel a difference in your energy level.

Double Breathing

This is an excellent breathing exercise for instant energy if you need it! You can do this anywhere and any time, and you'll get the much-needed pick-me-up to continue your day.

After closing your eyes, you should take a short inhale through your nose, and then follow with a long one. Now exhale by doing a short puff out through your mouth and finishing with a long breath out.

If you do this correctly, you should feel reenergized quickly after repeating double breathing a few times. It's up to you how many times you do it to get the desired effects.

breathing exercise for instant energy
Try all of our energizing breathwork variations and see which one feels right for you

Box Breathing

Box breathing (or square breathing) is fantastic if you need to reduce stress and increase focus while charging yourself up. It's very easy to remember too, as everything is done in fours (like a box or square).

You'll first inhale through your nose for a count of four. Next, hold your breath for four seconds. Then exhale through your mouth for a count of four. Lastly, hold your breath for four seconds.

Aim to repeat box breathing for 5-10 cycles to feel more refreshed.

Wim Hof Method Breathing

If you're looking for a breathing exercise to do in the morning that'll charge you up, then you'll find it with Wim Hof Method breathing. It was developed by Wim Hof to tolerate cold plunges more effectively, so unsurprisingly, it's one of the best ice bath breathing techniques to learn.

Wim Hof Method breathing is best done on an empty stomach since if you've eaten, it may feel a little uncomfortable. Basically, you'll either sit or lie down, then take deep inhales and exhales 30 times in a row. Once you're finished (on an exhale), hold your breath for as long as you can. 

When you can't go any longer, take a deep breath and hold it for 15 seconds. Exhale completely, then start again with the 30-time inhale/exhale cycle.

Repeat the above three or four times if you can.

Right Nostril Breathing

Right nostril breathing (pingala nadi) comes from Ayurveda; even if you don't subscribe to it, there's no denying that this breathing exercise will fill you with energy.

It's very simple to do right nostril breathing. Use your right index finger to close your left nostril. You can then breathe in and out of your right nostril slowly.

Do this exercise 10 times to feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

Breath of Fire

Breath of fire is a more difficult technique to master, so we'd suggest trying the other exercises in this list first and familiarizing yourself with them before giving this one a go. Also, because it's more vigorous, those who have health issues and/or are pregnant shouldn't do this exercise.

Start the breath of fire off by sitting up straight and inhaling as normal. However, to exhale, you'll use force. Do note that your inhales and exhales should be roughly the same lengths; one shouldn't be longer than the other.

Ideally, you should do breath of fire for 10 minutes, max. But if you don't have much endurance, don't worry about it. You can slowly work your way up to longer periods.

energizing breathwork
Next time you're feeling lethargic, try one of these breathing exercise for instant energy

Try Breathing for Energy When You're Tired

When life has us feeling rough around the edges, tasks can become monumental. This is

why we reach for those cans of energy drinks and mugs of coffee.

However, breathing for energy can be quite effective, and you may find that you won't need those aids anymore. Incorporating the above breathing exercises into your daily routine can enhance your overall energy levels, as well as your mental clarity and emotional well-being.

If you'd like to learn more about breathwork, then sign up for our online classes now. You can also come to sunny Playa del Carmen for engaging in-person instruction. When you're done, you'll have extensive breathwork knowledge that you can pass onto others.


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